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Shanghai Changning porcelain art exhibition opening this week
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Starting this week, "Porcelain Art Exhibition, Changning, Shanghai, China" in Changning District, the Library Museum of Russian style open. The exhibition brings together a total of more than 200 pieces of national treasures of ceramic works of masters. Learned that in the future where the Soviet Union in the permanent exhibition of plastic arts, held in six different exhibitions a year. The exhibition of ceramic works on display not only artistic vitality, and also shows the pearl glaze painting and oil painting and other new ceramic art. The exhibition will end on February 21 to 12, open to the public free of charge. Tang Xiaofeng, Changning District, told reporters that the Librarian, the library's third floor of the Museum of Art has opened a Russian style for four years and in different varieties and categories of Art exhibition, the organizers received donations of a group of artists or the new collection . Shape of the original library art collections in recent years the Soviet Union next year, year-round exhibition in the original collection based on the landscapes and portraits of the two exhibitions. Meanwhile, the year will be held in six different types of other exhibitions. "Next year we want to carry out an internal restructuring and transformation of all the lights." Tang Xiaofeng said that as the lights currently in use in the performance of works of art which had been lacking, not professional. The next year will be under the guidance of experts to carry out all of the adjustments, not only to better reflect and protect the art, will also use energy saving lamps, reflect the green concept.